On-Site Delight

25 Aug On-Site Delight

Typical Art History Class…Dark Classroom, Projector, Dates…elevated risk of falling asleep. On-Site Art History Class…The original work, wide-eyes, and peaked interest. When you’re choosing your study abroad courses, I recommend staying on the lookout for the words “on-site” in class descriptions. This likely means your class will taught somewhere off-campus in your Italian study city like a museum, gallery, monument, or piazza. It may not be every class meeting, but once-a-month trumps nonce-a-month. These classes are often limited to the arts, but if you have a free elective or two, you may want to consider a class like this.

Never thought you’d be into studying Art or Architecture?

You’d be surprised at what sparks your interest when you’re standing in front of a 500-year-old masterpiece. On-Site classes give you access to the museums and historical locations your family wants you to see, and potentially at a huge discount or even free since you’ll be with a university group. Your professor will be a personal tour guide and unlike most public tours, you can actually interact, ask questions, and make comments without upsetting the hardened regular city tour guides that roam the halls of Italy’s museums on a daily basis.

On-Site classes challenge you to use public transportation when meeting your other classmates and force you to explore neighborhoods you may not have come across normally. Don’t want to spend your weekends trying to pack in all the famous sights accompanied by only a guidebook with tiny font? Why not spend class time checking things off the list? That’s On-Site Delight.

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